Merdeka Curriculum for International Relations Study Program – Regular 2020-2025


1st Semester

NO. CODE COURSES Credits Lecturer
1. UUW00011






Islamic Studies

Christianity Studies

Catholicism Studies

Hinduism Studies

Buddhism Studies

Kong Hu Chu Studies

2 Dr.Drs.Agus Sarono,M.H

Sugeng Mulyanto,S.PAK.,M.Theo









2. UUW00003 Pancasila and Civics 3 Dra. Rr. Hermini S., M.Si.

Dr. Dra. Reni Windiani, MS.


3. UUW00004 Indonesian 2 Drs. Moh. Muzakka, M.Hum
4. UUW00005 Sports 1 Dr. Drs. Yuswo Supatmo, M.Kes.
5. UUW00007 English I 2 Dr. Agus Subiyanto, MA
6. PSWF6001 Introduction to Political Science 3 Dra. Rr. Hermini S., M.Si.

Marten Hanura, SIP., MPS.

7. PSWF6002 Introduction to Social Science 3 Dr. Ari Pradhanawati, MS.

Marten Hanura, SIP., MPS.

8. PSWF6003 Introduction to Economics 3 Dr. Widiartato, S.Sos., MAB.

Dr. Reni Shinta Dewi, S.Sos., M.Si.

9 UUW00006 Internet of Things (IoT) 2  Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

Satwika Paramasatya, SIP., MA.


Number of credits 21


 2nd Semester

NO. CODE COURSES Credits Lecturer
1. PSWF6004  Principles of Management 3 Dra. Rr. Hermini S., M.Si.

Dr.Drs.Hardi Warsono, MTP

Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

2. PSHI6006 English II 3 Dr.Mualimin, M.Hum

Ayu Ida Savitri, SS., M.Hum

3. PSHI6007 French (French) 3 Dra. Lubna Sungkar, M.Hum.

Dra. Astri Andriani, M.Hum.

4. PSHI6008 Introduction to International Relations 3 Mohamad Rosyidin, S.Sos., MA.

Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

5. PSHI6009 Introduction to Legal Studies 3 Ika Riswanti Putranti, SH., MH., Ph.D.

Dr. Dra. Reni Windiani, MS.


6. PSHI6010 Introduction to Philosophy of Science 3 Dr. Dra. Reni Windiani, MS.

Mohamad Rosyidin, S.Sos., MA.

7. PSHI6011 Indonesian Political Institutions and Processes 3 Dra. Rr. Hermini S., M.Si.

Dr. Dra. Reni Windiani, MS

8. PSHI6012 Academic Writing 3 Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

Mohamad Rosyidin, S.Sos., MA.

Number of credits 24



3rd semester

NO. CODE COURSES Credits Lecturer
1. PSHI6013 International Organizations and Administrations 3 Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

Andi Akhmad Basith Dir, SIP., MA., MIS.

Muhammad Faizal Alfian, S.IP., MA.


2. PSHI6014 Diplomacy 3 Dra. Rr. Hermini S., M.Si.

Muhammad Faizal Alfian, S.IP., MA.


3. PSHI6015 Criminology 3 Muhammad Faizal Alfian, S.IP., MA.

Satwika Paramasatya, SIP., MA.


4. PSHI6016 International Law 3 Ika Riswanti Putranti, SH., MH., Ph.D.

Andi Akhmad Basith Dir, SIP., MA., MIS.

5. PSHI6017 Political Theory Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

Marten Hanura, SIP., MPS.

6. PSHI6018 International Criminal Law 3 Dr. Djoko Setyono, SH, MH

Ika Riswanti Putranti, SH., MH., Ph.D.

7. PSHI6019 International Politics 3 Drs. Tri Cahya Utama, MA

Shary Charlotte Henriete Pattipeilhy, S.IP., MA

8. PSHI6020 Theories of International Relations 3 Satwika Paramasatya, SIP., MA.

Mohamad Rosyidin, S.Sos., MA.

Number of credits 24


 4th Semester

NO. CODE COURSES Credits Lecturer
1. PSHI6021 Indonesian Foreign Policy 3 Drs. Tri Cahyo Utomo, MA.

Marten Hanura, SIP., MPS.

2. PSHI6022 International Law of the Sea 3 Ika Riswanti Putranti, SH., MH., Ph.D.

Andi Akhmad Basith Dir, SIP., MA., MIS.

3. PSHI6023 International Political Economy 3 Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

Marten Hanura, SIP., MPS.

4. PSHI6024 Negotiation and Resolution of International Conflict 3 Dr. Dra. Reni Windiani, MS.

Satwika Paramasatya, SIP., MA.

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA.

5. PSHI6025 Human Rights in International Relations 3 Drs. Tri Cahyo Utomo, MA.

Marten Hanura, SIP., MPS.

6. PSHI6026 Statistics 3 Dr. Ngatno, MM

Prof. Dr. Naili Farida, M.Si.


7. PSHI6027 International Business 3 Bulan Prabawani, S.Sos., MM, Ph.D

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA.

Muhammad Faizal Alfian, S.IP., MA


8. PSHI6028 Globalization and Transnationalism 3 Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA.

Number of credits 24



5th semester

NO. CODE COURSES Credits Lecturer
1. UUW00008 Entrepreneurship 2 Dr. Hari Susanto Nugraha, M.Si

Muhammad Faizal Alfian, S.IP., MA

Dr. Andi Wijayanto, S.Sos, M.Si

2. PSHI6029 Psychology of Crime (Criminological Psychology) 3 Drs. Tri Cahyo Utomo, MA.

Andi Akhmad Basith Dir, SIP., MA., MIS.

3. PSHI6030 Foreign Policy Analysis 3 Dr. Dra. Reni Windiani, MS

Mohamad Rosyidin, S.Sos., MA.

4. PSHI6031 Research Methodology in International Relations 3 Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

Mohamad Rosyidin, S.Sos., MA.

5. PSHI6032 International Development Cooperation 3 Drs. Tri Cahyo Utomo, MA.

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA.

6. PSHI6033 International Crimes in the Maritime Sector (Maritime Transnational Crimes) 3 Drs. Tri Cahyo Utomo, MA.

Ika Riswanti Putranti, SH., MH., Ph.D.


7. PSHI6034 Seminar Proposal (Research Proposal Seminar) 3 Study Program Team


8. PSHI6035 Internship (Internship) 2 Study Program Team
Number of credits 22  


6th Semester  (Take 4 Elective Courses / 12 Credits)

NO. CODE COURSES Credits Lecturer
1. LSHI6036 Crimes Against Peace 3 Ika Riswanti Putranti, SH., MH., Ph.D

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA.

Satwika Paramasatya, SIP., MA.

2. LSHI6037 Transnational Environmental Crimes 3 Prof. Sudharto.PH MES, PhD.

Dr. Hartuti Purnaweni, MPA

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA.

Satwika Paramasatya, SIP., MA.

Muhammad Faizal Alfian, S.IP., MA

Andi Akhmad Basith Dir, SIP., MA., MIS.


3. LSHI6038 US Foreign Policy 3 Drs. Tri Cahyo Utomo, MA.

Satwika Paramasatya, SIP., MA.

4. LSHI6039 Public Policy (Public Policy) 3 Prof. Dr.Endang Larasati, M.Si

Dra. Rr. Hermini S., M.Si.

Marten Hanura, SIP., MPS.

5. LSHI6040 War Crimes 3 Dr. Dra. Reni Windiani, MS.

Satwika Paramasatya, SIP., MA.


6. LSHI6041 Australian Foreign Policy 3 Andi Akhmad Basith Dir, SIP., MA., MIS

Mohamad Rosyidin, S.Sos., MA

7. LSHI6042 Diplomatic and Consular Law 3 Ika Riswanti Putranti, SH., MH., Ph.D

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA.


8. LSHI6043 Transnational Financial Crimes 3 Ika Riswanti Putranti, SH., MH., Ph.D

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA.


Number of credits 24  



7th Semester  (Take 3 Elective Courses / 9 credits)

NO. CODE COURSES Credits Lecturer
1. LSHI6044 Chinese Foreign Policy 3 Marten Hanura, SIP., MPS.

Muhammad Faizal Alfian, S.IP., MA


2. LSHI6045 Security Studies 3 Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

Mohamad Rosyidin, S.Sos., MA

3. LSHI6046 Political Behavior 3 Dra. Rr. Hermini S., M.Si.

Andi Akhmad Basith Dir, SIP., MA., MIS


4. LSHI6047 Cybercrime 3 Ika Riswanti Putranti, SH., MH., Ph.D

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA

5. LSHI6048 Southeast Asian Studies 3 Mohamad Rosyidin, S.Sos., MA

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA

6. LSHI6049 Middle East Studies 3 Drs. Tri Cahyo Utomo, MA.

Shary Charlotte P., SIP., MA

7. LSHI6050 European Studies 3 Marten Hanura, SIP., MPS.

Andi Akhmad Basith Dir, SIP., MA., MIS


8. LSHI6051 Politics and Economy of Japan 3 Fendy Eko Wahyudi, SIP., M.Hub.Int.

Satwika Paramasatya, SIP., MA.

Number of credits 24  


  8th Semester

NO. CODE COURSES Credits Lecturer
1. UUW00009 Real Work Lecture (Community Service) 3 University KKN Team
2. UUW00010 Thesis (Thesis) 6 Study Program Team
Number of credits 9  


Number of credits taken:

  1. University compulsory courses : 23 Credits
  2. Faculty Compulsory Courses : 12 Credits
  3. Study Program Compulsory Courses : 89 Credits
  4. Elective courses :21 Credits


Number of credits taken :145 Credits