Semarang 23/3 – The Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro held a guest lecture with the theme Millennial Opportunities in International Business and Improving the Nation’s Economy. This lecture presented a speaker Muhammad Dhafi Iskandar, PhD who is the co-founder and CEO of PT Acceleration Innovation Nation (StepNesia) and Vice Chairman of Indonesian International Scientist Association 2018-2020.
The event started with remarks from the Head of the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Dr. Reni Windiani, MS. In her speech, Dr. Reni Windiani, MS said that globalization requires a country to follow current developments and the younger generation must have future thinking. The lecture started with the presentation of the material by the speaker.
Dhafi started the material with an explanation of the reasons why the millennial generation needed to start building an online business or start-up company. The digital era allows millennials to be able to do business from anywhere and anytime, lower costs, wider audience reach, and passive income streams that can be obtained from monetization methods. In addition, the use of social media such as instagram, tiktok, youtube, linkedin is important in business promotion. Dhafi mentions several things that can be the key in doing business including being different/unique, in demand by many people, in accordance with the law, affordable prices, accessible, and appropriate quality. Dhafi gave several tips in starting a business, namely find a passion because it will be the strength of young entrepreneurs, learn the target market, build a brand, go online, and evaluate.
Students were very enthusiastic in participating in this lecture. In the question and answer session, several students asked questions related to how to start a business and how to deal with the obstacles that come along. At the end of the session, Dhafi gave a message for anyone who wants to start a business, such as to start from small thing and if it fails, they can evaluate again so that the business built can be successful in the future, look for partners who share the same vision, and collaborate/sharing.
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